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Delivery, returns and details

Cancellation and Refund:

  1. If you change your mind about a purchase made on the site, you can request a cancellation or a refund to your account within 14 days from the date of payment, provided that you have not started reading the purchased book online or downloaded it.

  2. You cannot refuse a purchased digital book that is already downloaded or you are reading it online, unless there are technical flaws in the book file that do not allow you to read it.

  3. You can cancel a paid digital book pre-order at any time. If the book is on sale, you can still cancel your purchase and request a refund within 14 days of the date the pre-order was credited, provided you have not yet started reading or downloaded the book you purchased online.

  4. You cannot request a refund for your support of a tree planting project,  as funds are transferred to tree planting organizations.

Return conditions:


  1. For a refund, you need to send a request to the email address info @  with a description of the reason for the return, details for receiving it.  

  2. Refunds are made within a few days of the return being approved by a support employee. Sometimes it takes more time, but no more than 10 business days.

Return methods:

Please note: refunds are made in the same way that the funds were transferred to our store.

Some methods of replenishing an account do not allow making a refund in a similar way (payment through terminals and communication stores, bank transfer), in this case we can offer another convenient method for you from those proposed below:

  1. To phone account

  2. To the e-wallet account: YuMoney, QIWI Wallet

  3. To bank account

Depending on the method of return, you must provide the following information:

    1. To the phone account: phone number, operator name, payment date and amount.
    2. To the e-wallet account:

  • YuMoney - wallet number, full name of the holder, payment date and refund amount.

  • QIWI Wallet - wallet number, full name of the holder, payment date and refund amount.

    3. To a bank account:

  • Name of account holder

  • Account number

  • BIC

  • TIN

It is not a public offer.
Return conditions can be changed unilaterally.

OGRNIP - 316237500028104
TIN - 230808270490
IP - Anikienko A.Yu.
Email -

© 2023 by Alla Land

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